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Wokil Bam

Wokil Bam

Assistant Professor


My research interest lies in utilizing a suite of geochemical tracers such as short-lived radioisotopes and remote sensing to study various environmental processes with major focus on particle scavenging, carbon dynamics, export flux and climate change. I am interested in exploring the efficiency and strength of Biological Carbon Pump (BCP) in changing oceanic condition and factors influencing the BCP and Marine Carbon dioxide Removal (mCDR) and Sequestration. In our lab, we will be exploring the processes that influence both the coastal and open ocean carbon dynamics, export, remineralization, and sequestration of organic carbon to deep oceans. Contact me about future possibilities if you are seeking a student assistantship.

  • PHD - Louisiana State University and Agricultural & Mechanical College (2021)
  • MS - Louisiana State University and Agricultural & Mechanical College (2015)

Chemical Oceanography
Global Environmental Cycles

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Stennis Space Center 142




Areas of Expertise

Chemical Oceanography, Radiochemistry, Biological Carbon Pump, Sediment geochemistry.